Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Prepare an organizational Strategic Human Resource Plan Essay

Prepare an organizational Strategic Human Resource Plan - Essay Example We also hold up all the talent growth of our workers through qualified growth, profession growth, and better presentation for our management. Mostly endorse the most attainment of a work existence balance and wellness in our workers community. To bring Human Resource services, plans and more so communications that are can be more valued by our potential workers, present workers, and retirees. To provide a quality and varied, comprehensive a group of people with an optimistic work surroundings. To struggle for most talented with effectual staffing plans and well organized staffing processes. Anothr goal of human resource is to foster an inclusive, diverse community, as well as a positive work environment. This will involve conducting climate assessment, building a better work environment, partner with Diversity Office to uphold and promote principles of community. Other provisions under this goal would also be to educate the community on harassment and discrimination prevention by equ ipping them with productive problem solving techniques. Objectives To generate a total plunder significance so as to educate the Human Resource associates, employing new managers, and even workers of the high value of this organization. Working very directly with the management so as to strengthen the needs for aggressive reimbursement for most of the individuals in our institution and desires to draw and keep our students. Â  To advance in specialized growth programs so as to get better management abilities, job capacities, and eventually employee efficiency. To expand complete vocation organization tools, job enhancement plan, furthermore mentoring all programs so as to help our workers and then get ready for more new chances. Develop more usable and flexible employment preparations during greater decision making and workers responsiveness regarding the possible reimbursement to workers and departments. Strategic Human Resource Organization Chart Our Activities Experts in our ins titution of Human Resources are listening carefully about civilizing our services to the university’s society by humanizing our abilities. Most of our efforts are to provide back to the career through managements and participation in expert relations. Again we will provide more efforts so as to intensify the information of the career by adding more of the academic qualifications and expert certifications. We will keep more information to our students this during these times so as to let everyone be acquainted with how the talented our members of the team are increasing as experts. Our Strategic human resource organization gives the financial, shared and supporting factors that one can be created in the external circumstances in which our University works. These factors have significant value, which have allegations for effectual human resource organization associated to the change work of art of the institution, in terms of era, sex and more so racial allocation. Our Universi ty seeks to make sure that its works better to the most extent promising. We do analyse and take away the most universal organisational difficulty to women’s development and give confidence to diversity in its employees and students population. There are important confront in upholding a high level output in mature employees and making sure that this University is most successful in employing and keep

Sunday, October 27, 2019

How Motivational Theories Are Used In Asda

How Motivational Theories Are Used In Asda The main intention of this project is to explore how motivational theories applied in Asda to induce its staffs to carry out their best to the organization. The reason why I selected the above theme is, as an employer at the Asda sometimes I wonder how all the works are going well and smoothly. Then I found the answer for my question, which is all because of the motivational techniques used by the Asda. And the other reason is, I can able to collect use full primary data, from my Managers and colleagues, and from the customers via primary research and secondary data like company reports, articles and company journals directly. Since I had a limited time I thought it will be help full, if I selected the company where am working. Hypothesis: Since motivation is important in the productivity of employees, the importance of knowing what motivation theory is most effective and efficient that could generate higher productivity, commitment and satisfaction to employees is significant as a problem of this study. Literature Review: Motivation is a one word, which leads success for all the organization around the world. Many theorists talked many about this. Especially Mitchell (1982), who given common characteristics to motivation, Taylor, F. W, and Harper and Row (1947) supposed in financial desires in inspiration, but Motivation is the driving force which fulfils needs according to Lam Tang, 2003. Similar to this there are many theorist suggested their view towards motivation. They are Wilbert Scheer (1979), Thwala Monese, n. D, Robin DeCenzo (1995:271), Campbell and Pritchard (1976) Motivation plays a central role in getting and satisfying the goals and objectives of a business by trying to motivate, inspire, and raising their satisfaction and self-esteem with the intention of be greatly creative that in turn will direct to completion of organizations goals. Though all doesnt know about the theories these are ineffective, but will help to identify the incorrect ways of motivation. Objectives: I would like to achieve the aims, which are stated below through conducting this research: Evaluating the techniques made by the Asda to motivate Customer service Assistance and Managers. Analyzing whether the employees are motivated by those techniques. Investigating whether customer gained good service through those techniques. Identifying advantages gained through those techniques to the Organization. Suggesting some techniques to the Organization. Methodology: This analysis mainly used both the Primary and secondary researches equally. Though according to the title uses of primary data should be more compare to the Secondary, but due to the limited sources and time secondary research also conducted relatively equal with other. In both its major two types are used while conducting collecting the data. This case analysis will operate on the idea that the use of classic motivational theory of Maslows hierarchy of needs, and the Total theory at the organization. Since, a case analysis will be in understanding the role of motivation to employees productivity, the use of qualitative and quantitative approaches will be utilized. Action Plan: Preparing the proposal by 20th February Completing Literature review by 01th march Completing Field work Primary Data by 17th march Secondary Data by 28th march Analysing the collected data and the result by 28th April Presenting the data collected and the final report by 05th may Code of ethics: This case study conducted without any age restriction, gender, employee position and ethnic groups boundaries. All of the staffs are shift basis have involved in this study. While collecting data and after collecting secrecy maintained throughout the study of the investigation. Literature Review Motivation in Organization The word Motivation this will be the success behind all the succeeded organization. Managers use mostly motivational theories commonly, to encourage their employees to get a good out put from them. Motivation, which is vast, issue, hence there are many theories are stated. In order to maximize the employees effectiveness and increase the productivity; managers using these theories even without knowing it. However these theories are applied all over the place from small business to multi billion business. Motivation and Its Theories Motivation directs individual behavior. It is in the interest of an employer to know how to motivate employees behavior for the employers benefit. The four most Common Motivational Characteristics Definitions, which are stated by Mitchell (1982), are: Motivation is: Type defied as individual phenomenon. Described usually as intentional Multifaceted Helps to predict the behavior Motivation is the driving force within individuals that drive them physiologically and psychologically to pursue one or more goals to fulfil their needs or expectations (Lam Tang: 2003). For Wilbert Scheer (1979), To maintain [motivation] it is to create and maintain the climate which brings harmony and equilibrium into the entire work group for the benefit of all who are involved. Since it is the work of a manager to employ effective motivation, he/she should always aware of the environment and the status condition of his/her employees. Furthermore, motivation means an inner wholesome desire to exert effort without the external stimulus of money. It is the ability of indoctrinating the personnel with a unity of purpose and maintaining a continuing, harmonious relationship among all people (Thwala Monese, n. d). Motivation plays a vital role in fulfilling goals, objectives of an firm by trying to motivate, inspire, and raising their satisfaction and self-esteem in order to be highly productive that in turn will lead to the fulfilment of organizations goals and objectives. Thus to Robin DeCenzo (1995:271), cited by Thwala and Monese, motivation is the willingness to exert high level of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts ability to satisfy some individual need. While Campbell and Pritchard (1976), defines motivation as a dependent and independent set of relationships, which explains the amplitude, direction, and persistence of a behaviour holding constant the effects of skills, aptitude, and understanding of a task and the constraints operating in the work environment. The essential of knowing the character of motivation, principles and theories are all-important in order that inappropriate function of motivation can be presumed and avoided. Even so, all motivational theories and strategies are valuable yet, not all can be applied in certain organization for some constraints. There are many competing Theories, which attempt to explain motivation at work Motivation Theories can be classified as follows: Motivation is watched from various views. Taylor, F. W. Scientific Management, Harper and Row (1947) believed in economic needs in motivation. According to him motivation is nothing but what the workers wanted from their employers more than anything else is high wages. This approach is called Rational-Economic concept of motivation. But Nicola Horlick, (former Managing Director, Morgan Grenfell Investment Management.) He was convinced that the success of any business depended on having people and motivating them properly. As he thought and he decided motivation was not just about money. It was about creating an environment in which people enjoyed working. Methodology In this research I have used both qualitative and quantitative methods of research. The use of qualitative research is comparatively less with the quantitative. The majority of the Qualitative data related to Theories and past studies of the motivational theories. The quantitative research applied to gather the information from the employees to find out what is motivation according to them. Primary Research In this research Primary data collection is important for the reason that the research includes the opinion of the staffs. Though there are many of techniques are used to collect raw data. I have selected some methods in field research when considering the resources and time. Quantitative: The quantitative data is collected mostly from the questionnaire. Since I had a less amount of time to analyze the information, this type of data helped me more to manage the time. Questionnaire: Close ended questions like How many? and Yes or No? questions are used to collect the quantitative primary data. This type of question is used to test observable fact. Though it is testing fact, it wont develop the fact and give other suggestion of the responder. The advantage of this method is, focus is concise and narrow, and hence which took a reduced amount time. Qualitative: From the interviews and the brain storming discussion most of the raw qualitative information is pull together. Comparably the lesser amount of data is collected from the Questionnaire. Interview: Interview took place with the employer, which lasted approximately eight minutes. Interview is conducted in a limited time period in which responder might not have time to share the information. And also the responder is well known to the interviewer, where likeness of sharing the matter may differ. Though the facts are collected directly the reliability of the data is high, we can guess and understand information if we didnt get them, and also we can ask more to develop the task. Brain Storming Discussion: Common discussion took place regarding the topic in the break time during the break time in the organization where they dont know that they are taking place in this study. As an employee it is much easier to me to chat about the topic with the colleagues and to get the live feed from them while working. This approach is easier to me and reliable. Although they are working together there will be a gap between the people individually who wont speak openly with all. Though there are chances to collect unreliable information. Observation: I observed the group twelve hours per week for two weeks, focusing mostly on conversations at monthly meetings and especially those conversations, which related to motivation and the awarding system issues. Secondary Research In this study, secondary research used to get the information mostly regarding to the organization. This research was done to collect already existing data that was collected by someone or by organization. I used both major categories of secondary research. Internal secondary data The sources of some secondary data that I collected came from within the organization; this type is called internal secondary data. From the organisations department little information gathered from the own reports that represent a potential of valuable data from the line manager. For instance how to motivate employees. These records were collected as an employee; otherwise this is not possible to others. Hence the records are reliable. Although these were collected from the system these are depended in the employer whether it is applied or not. So from this we cant measure the real out come. External secondary data The collected data which are published by other organization, or in other journal and website, few are collected from local library books are called as external secondary data. From the several websites and other past researches the gathered are linking between these types. Due to the IT revolutionised world it was easy to collect these categorised data in the given time and with minimum source. No need of wasting them by conducting the same research. Though it easy and accessible. It may have been collected some time ago and there for sometime it wont suit for the research. It can be general. Action Plan Action: Preparing the proposal Methods for monitoring Constraints Targeted Time Researching various topics and selecting final topic Setting correct objectives. Preparing sample plan. Examining the key values of research. Writing the sample proposal and discussing it with lecturer. Finalising the Proposal. To select the topic time taken bit more than considered time and also writing the Proposal. Lack of knowledge in the selected topic. 3 day 1 day 1day 2days 1day Completing by 20th feb Action: Completing Literature review Methods for monitoring Constraints Targeted Time Setting objectives that has to be searched. According to the objective searching data in library books. Searching data in journals and articles. Analyzing the collected data Preparing sample Literature review Examining the sample literature review with the lecturer. Correcting and finalising the Literature review. Collecting the data in the predicted time is bit complicated 1 day 4 day 1day 1day 2day Completing by 1th march Action: Field work (Primary Data) Methods for monitoring Constraints Targeted Time Observing the employees and colleagues. Brain storming discussion. Providing questionnaire and getting feedback. Interviewing staffs Completing field work To get Questionnaire feed back, it took more time than the calculated time. (due to the staffs shift) 7 days 1 day 9 days Completing by 17th march Action: Field work (Secondary Data) Methods for monitoring Constraints Targeted Time Collecting the data within organization with the help of manager. Collecting the data from the websites and from the past research. Completing field work Collecting information about the organisation within the organisation made difficult than expected. 7 days 2 day 2 days Completing by 28th march Action: Analysing the collected data and the result. Methods for monitoring Constraints Targeted Time Gathering all primary data separating according to type. Examining them and taking important points. Exploring all the secondary data and taking points. Grouping the data by type and writing Analysis report. Discussing with lecturer and preparing final Analysis report. After analyzing briefly giving a conclusion and result. Gathering all questionnaires, sorting out them, and examining was tough Some confusion came due to the language, while conducting interviews with staff. 3 days 2 day 2 days 2 days 1 day 1 day Completing by 28th April Action: Presenting the data collected and the final report. Methods for monitoring Constraints Targeted Time Structuring all the data, reports, bibliography, appendix, and tables. Presenting whole project with the appropriate graphical presentation techniques (charts, smart arts, shapes). Organizing all and presenting sample Project for lecturers consideration. Discussing with lecturer and completing the final Research Project. Submitting Research Project There was a bit difficulty faced while getting all data together for structuring. Due to the various formation of structure Structuring the data seized more periods than estimated. 3 days 2 day 2 days 2days Completing by 5th May Limitations: Time constraints of the semester require less time than may be ideal for an ethnographic study. By observing the organization for only a week, there are bounces to be aspects of leadership practice, organizational culture and team communication, which wont be discovered in the observations. Being an outsider may also limit what is revealed to me. The team members may be guarded in their conversations around me, especially in my initial observations. Delimitations: I am not observing multiple groups, although such comparisons might be important, in order to allocate more concentration of understanding regarding the group on which I will focus. Furthermore, I will not use structured interviews in order to minimize my obtrusiveness and my influence on the team members. Code of Ethics At all stages of investigation process, from beginning, resourcing, planning, analysis and dissemination, there was an active, individual and disciplinary ethical awareness maintained through out the case analysis. All process of research including choice of methodology, and the use to which any findings might be put, is matching with the aims and the time and sources. In the case of all those who are the subjects of research, but particularly those made open to by age, gender and the position. In relation to every participant to the research process, including managers, colleagues, and employers, I dealt openly and fairly. In particular, as a duty I explained to the every participant of all features of the research that might be expected to influence willingness to participate, especially but not exclusively dependent on participation. Only in cases where no alternative strategy is feasible, where no harm to the research subject can be foreseen and where the greater good is self-evidently served, are procedures involving deception or concealment permissible for social work and social care researchers. I respected at all times the individual participants absolute right to decline to participate in or to withdraw from the program. Consent must be secured through the use of language that is readily comprehensible to the subject and which accurately and adequately explains the purpose and the procedures to be followed. All the data or other information gathered in this research is confidential and the secrecy maintained. Analysis Primary Data Analysis Questionnaire Analysis: From the figure (I), we clearly get in to the point that majority of the employees are giving preferences to financial reward and pay-raise and acknowledgement which are 23 and 20 respectively. Maslows hierarchy of need (figure IV) state the needs of employees in an ascending order. According to hierarchy of needs the fist, second, and for some extend fourth levels can be satisfied by the financial reward, which evidently shown in this research. Though there are minimum amount of employees are rewarded, the desire to work in the organisation is still high, which clearly state us that public recognition, results, competition, status and sometimes-even fear also motivating employees. From the figure II, without any age restriction majority of the staffs are willing to do their best in the job, the majority is non-awarded person. In the questionnaires given large amount of nearly all marked Yes to the question about their goals. This is the Goal theory, which is stated above. As an employee and from my observation goal theory is used more efficiently in the organisation. Interview: The interview with the manager brought the information that they dont know these motivational theories, but they knew the techniques and the principles. Most of them are guided by their area managers and asked to follow some techniques through them, which was made confidential by the organization. They were conducting monthly meeting and area manager used to assist the line manager during his visit to the store. Brain Storming Discussion Analysis: Brain storming which peel off few staffs worries. They are having a thought that rewarding system is only rewarded to the some section of staffs who are working in the cafeteria in the asda. Although they are accepting that they are having more scope to perform well. Observation Analysis: Observation reveals the truth that although the rewarding system is most favorable way, while they were talking they are interchanging their rewarded vouchers, and they are expecting to become a stars which is one of the valued system made byAsda. Secondary Data Analysis Internal Sources of Data: There is a Staff Development Program (SDP) was undertaken by the Asda Colleague Circle. This will develop the personality of the staffs, when they are not performing there best and doing less in their work: they were personally asked to conduct manager and they used to guide them to do their best. Performance appraisal program is conducted to increase the hourly paid employees salaries, for those who are working for the good standard and showing their brilliance at Asda. This will obviously make the employee to stay with the organization for lengthy period of time. External Sources of Data: The time when Andy Bond CEO of Asda, the company was in financially in a good position and the employee self-esteem was remarkably short. The company was experiencing losses, the CEO; he was faced with the daunting task of turning the rebellious company region. Simon consummated this task for three reasons: he modified: The organizational culture Possessed important leadership skills Motivated employees skills. In order to further motivate staffs of the changing image and the service that Asda is becoming physical changes are commencing to take shape all over at every Asda. A program has in progress for now and it includes more than just the workforce but it is functioning. What in actual fact constructs this victorious at the member of staffs stage are the awareness by labours that their anxiety was addressed, it really triggers off them. In their division that they believe nearly each employee at Asda can express at least part of the Team. They may not all has it perfect but the company is slowly turning in this new direction Result and Conclusion Result Goal theories, Attribution theory, Equity theories of Motivation, Porter and Lawler Expectancy theory, Maslows Hierarchy of Needs theory are the major, numerous theories used at the Asda in order to encourage their staffs, which are successfully completed by the firm. All sort of employees exclusive of age, gender, and position are enjoying and doing there work with job satisfaction due to firms area managers, line managers and the assistance managers hidden motivational procedures, techniques, and principles (Theories). Although the case study finalizing the theories functioned correctly and the result is positive that workers are inspired, happy, encouraged and over all motivated there are some restrictions are there, and also investigation carried out by a member of the employee hence the chances of liability is there between colleagues and managers: which are kept closed. Conclusion In conclusion, there are a number of theories used by Asda. Some of that are out dated, as I mentioned above, many area and line managers are using these techniques without knowing the theories. As a student and an employee after analyzing these information and situation managers should learn these theories and related principles in order to improve there staffs productivity and to apply and inspire them in the correct manner. And I would like to prefer them to study them and re-formulating them freshly to the new modernized 21st century and to bring them into play.

Friday, October 25, 2019

What a Home Really is in The House on Mango Street Essay -- The House

What a Home Really is in The House on Mango Street â€Å"Home is where the heart is.† In The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros develops this famous statement to depict what a â€Å"home† really represents. What is a home? Is it a house with four walls and a roof, the neighborhood of kids while growing up, or a unique Cleaver household where everything is perfect and no problems arise? According to Cisneros, we all have our own home with which we identify; however, we cannot always go back to the environment we once considered our dwelling place. The home, which is characterized by who we are, and determined by how we view ourselves, is what makes every individual unique. A home is a personality, a depiction of who we are inside and how we grow through our life experiences. In her personal, Cisneros depicts Esperanza Cordero’s coming-of-age through a series of vignettes about her family, neighborhood, and personalized dreams. Although the novel does not follow a traditional chronological pattern, a sto ry emerges, nevertheless, of Esperanza’s search to discover the meaning of her life and her personal identity. The novel begins when the Cordero family moves into a new house, the first they have ever owned, on Mango Street in the Latino section of Chicago. Esperanza is disappointed by the â€Å"small and red† house â€Å"with tight steps in front and bricks crumbling in places† (5). It is not at all the dream-house her parents had always talked about, nor is it the house on a hill that Esperanza vows to one day own for herself. Despite its location in a rough neighborhood and difficult lifestyle, Mango Street is the place with which she identifies at this time in her life. While growing up on Mango Street, Esperanza is not on... ..., â€Å"Mango says goodbye sometimes. She does not hold me with both arms. She sets me free† (134). Although Esperanza is constantly reaffirming that she wants to move away from Mango Street, we know by the end novel that she will one day return to help those who will not have the opportunities Esperanza has had in her life. Indeed, in the closing pages Esperanza admits that she cannot escape Mango Street. She can never again call it home, but it has influenced her dreams, formed her personality, and she has learned valuable life lessons from its inhabitants. That is why, explains Esperanza, she tells stories about the house on Mango Street, revealing the beauty amidst dirty streets and unveiling her true inner self, the peace of knowing that her â€Å"home is where her heart is.† WORKS CITED Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street. New York: Vintage, 1989.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Gardian Angel Essay

The guardian angel is a unique â€Å"spiritual being† that I find very interesting to talk about and real in every way and this is based on facts that happened to other individuals and from my own personal experience. A guardian angel in my opinion is a protector that guards you or a group of people from evil and can also guide you through the toughest of times. I believe a guardian angel is given powers from the good man upstairs. Guardian is to guard and angel is an angel sent from God. Religious people who have faith and believe in God are more typical to believe in guardian angels. It is a blessing from the good Lord to have a guardian angel walk by your side. A guardian angel is like a shadow and is always there to assist you from the evil. The little miracles that happen to a family or a person are the work of God and his helpers, the Guardian angel. For example, the time when I was eleven years old and I was helping my uncle Don paint a Denny’s restaurant. I was up on the upper deck painting the ceiling when I went too much on the side and fell straight down, at least 13 feet from the top. My uncle Don said that he found me on a pile of tarps sleeping. I know that I had a guardian angel looking over me at the time; it was as if my guardian angel took control of my body providing me some wings to slow me down from a bad and dangerous fall. The evil things that we are sometimes surrounded by are when a guardian angel is most needed and present themselves. Another example is when Congress woman Gaby Gifford’s got shot in the head and even doctors thought there was no chance she would remember who she was, or even live for that matter. But she overcame all the challenges that bestowed her. A lot of people, who did not believe in the lord before are finding themselves believing now since Gaby Gifford’s situation. Her guardian angel interceded for her and helped her so that the bullet would not go in the area that would kill her. Another time was when I was living in Los Angeles. I was in middle school walking home with my little brother Ricky and we got held up by gang bangers. They had held a knife to my throat with my feet dangling in the air. I don’t know how we got out of that alive but I do believe it was my guardian angel. In conclusion my personal definition of a guardian angel is a spiritual being that guards, guides and provides safety to people at any point or time of need and danger in their lives.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Allen Ginsberg

His parents, Naomi and Louis Ginsberg, named him Irwin Allen at his birth in Newark, New Jersey, in 1926. Twenty-nine years later, in San Francisco in 1955—when he began to write Howl— he liked to think that he was in a cosmos of his own creation. In fact, he was still very much connected to his parents. Wasn't Naomi a madwoman, and wasn't Howl about madness? Didn't Louis write apocalyptic poetry, and wasn't Howl an apocalyptic poem, too? His parents haunted him in the months just before he wrote Howl—they appeared in his dreams, and he wrote about them in his journals and unpublished poems from that period.Moreover, they provided the germinating seeds for Howl— madness, nakedness, and secrecy. Few poets have quarreled with their parents as intensely as Ginsberg quarreled with his, and few young men have turned those quarrels into poems as remarkable as Howl and Kaddish. His quarrels were with himself as much as they were with Naomi and Louis, and in the q uarrels with himself he expanded the possibilities not only for himself, but for American poetry, as he pushed against the limits of literary caution and conservatism that characterized the times. If ever there was a poet in rebellion against his own parents it was Allen Ginsberg.And yet if ever there was a dutiful poet it was also Allen Ginsberg. The son carried on the family heritage even as he railed against it. For decades, Louis Ginsberg had been far more famous than Allen. The elder Ginsberg taught poetry at Rutgers and played a leading role in the prestigious, though stodgy, Poetry Society of America. He had two books of poems to his name, dozens of poems in anthologies, and publications in most of the leading literary magazines. Then, in 1956 and 1957, with the advent of Howl, attention suddenly shifted from father to son. Allen was the bright new star in the literary firmament.Never again would Louis outshine his son, though for a brief time in the late 1960s and early 1970 s, father and son shared the stage and gave poetry readings together from California to New Jersey. Other fathers might have bridled at a son who was more famous than they were, and other sons might have used their fame to berate their fathers and settle old scores. Allen's fame brought him closer to his father; now that he was famous he could pay homage to Louis and his work. In â€Å"To My Father in Poetry,† which he wrote in 1959, he acknowledged, at long last, his father's influence on his own work—something he had long ignored and long denied.He heard his father's voice in his own voice. Louis was delighted that his famous son respected him. The father-son love feast notwithstanding, they disagreed as strongly as ever about politics, poetry, sex, and the self. In â€Å"To Allen Ginsberg†Ã¢â‚¬â€one of his best poems—Louis compared his son to Theseus, the legendary Greek hero who slew the Minotaur, and expressed the hope that Allen would find his way through the labyrinth of his own self until he found his own genuine identity. Allen was well aware of his various selves, but unlike Louis, he felt that no single self was truer than another.They were all parts of himself and equally valid. What was essential, he argued, was to be detached, to remain in flux and never become fixed to any one identity. (Morgan, Bill 4-10) Surely, fame would have taken a far greater toll had he not understood that â€Å"Allen Ginsberg† was a fiction. His ability to remain detached from any one fixed identity had helped to make Howl an extraordinary poem. In Howl, he was the paragon of the protean poet. In the moment of creation, he was everyone and he was everywhere, from Alcatraz to Madison Avenue.He was himself, and he was also almost everyone else in the poem. He could become one with the angel headed hipsters and with the Adonis of Denver. He was Moloch and he was Carl Solomon, too. His ability to remain detached from â€Å"Allen Ginsberg † enabled him, in large part, to go on writing extraordinary poems in the wake of Howl—overtly political poems as well as deeply personal poems—including â€Å"Death to Van Gogh's Ear! † â€Å"At Apollinaire's Grave, † and, of course, Kaddish, which he started in 1956 and continued to work on in Paris and in New York in 1957 and 1958.Living in Europe deepened his vision of both Europe and America and helped him understand the experience of a generation of European immigrants like his mother who were born in the Old World and came to the New World. Now he could imagine what it must have been like for Naomi Levy to leave Russia, travel across the Atlantic, and arrive in New York, the strangest of cities. He could transcend his own resentment and anger and see his mother as a beautiful woman in her own right. And he could put himself on the sidelines and put his mother at the center of his poem.In Allen's view, the White House and the Pentagon tolerate d mad dictatorial developments everywhere on the face of the earth. Of course, he disapproved of Soviet-style mind control and brainwashing, and he rejected official Communist Party ideas about literature and the arts, and about the obligation of the artist to serve the needs of the people. He would never write for the Communist Party or for the people, he proclaimed. No matter what country he lived in, he would always write for himself or he would write for no one.The Soviet Communist Party had driven Mayakovsky into madness and suicide. It surely would drive him mad, too. Meanwhile, America was driving him mad. The function of television, he insisted, was to control people, and he denounced it at every opportunity. By 1961 he would write about the deadliness of TV in Television Was a Baby Crawling toward That Death chamber, a long angry poem in which he proclaimed that he could never tell his own secrets on TV and that television kept vital information a secret from Americans.In t he late 1950s he argued that the USSR wasn't as evil as the talking heads on American television made it out to be. He was convinced that the USSR was a great nation, that Russian writers were as original and creative as writers anywhere, and that communism had tried & succeeded in improving material living conditions. He didn't want a communist society in the United States, but he wasn't opposed to communism in the Third World. He thought a great deal about America during his sojourn in Europe.He became increasingly anti-American, and yet there was something uniquely American about his anti-Americanism. In many ways he was the archetypal innocent abroad, the idealistic young man making the grand tour, the wide-eyed tourist who fell in love with almost everything about the Old World, and came to detest almost everything about the New World. Europe was a â€Å"great experience. Like hundreds if not thousands of Americans before him, he found Paris â€Å"beautiful† and he was tempted to â€Å"expatriate & settle down.† And, like so many other Americans, he loved the Latin Quarter and the little cafes where the existentialists smoked, drank, and talked, and where you might catch a glimpse of Jean Paul Sartre, if you were lucky. Europeans were genuine intellectuals, he decided. They cared about ideas, he insisted, whereas making money was the American thing, and there were no moral standards. Even New York, the most European of American cities, paled by comparison with Paris, Rome, and Florence. From the vantage point of Europe, New York looked hard, closed, commercial, and ingrown.Europeans were less materialistic than Americans, he thought, and less racist, too. â€Å"Europeans have more better personal relations with Negroes than Americans have, † he concluded. In Holland, â€Å"big black nigger looking spades† dated â€Å"nice white girls, † he noted, and no one paid any attention. Yes, he was still using racist language, st ill trying to shock his father, and he would go on using racist language for some time to come. Even as late as 1966, in the midst of the civil rights movement, he would use racial epithets in Wichita Vortex Sutra. No one challenged him, or scolded him.(Rothschild, Matthew 34-35) By the mid-1960s he was largely beyond reproach. In 1967, for example, when he read in London, the British poet Ted Hughes described him as the prophet of a spiritual revolution, and one of the most important men of the twentieth century. From Hughes's point of view, Howl was the single work that began a global revolution in poetical form and content. It had, indeed, broken all sorts of verbal barriers, and Ginsberg went on breaking them when he described himself as â€Å"queer† or wrote about his own body and his bodily functions, or used words like niggers† and â€Å"spades.† In the late 1950s, the Europeans he met seemed less repressed than Americans about sex and race and about langu age, too. They were far more verbally liberated. About the only thing he didn't like in Europe was the Roman Catholic Church. At first he imagined that European Catholics belonged to a mystical secret society that provided a wonderful sense of community. Gradually, however, he changed his mind and came to feel that the Roman Catholic Church operated like the secret police in a totalitarian society, and that Rome was in the business of mind control and censorship.All those medieval cathedrals depressed him, while the Renaissance inspired him, especially the art of Michelangelo, which depicted â€Å"naked idealized realistic human bodies. † Europeans seemed more artistic and far more poetic than Americans—Americans hated poetry and poets, he insisted— and he pursued poets and the legacy of poetry, too. In Italy, he visited mad Shelley's grave, plucking a few tender leaves of clover and mailing them to Louis, who was delighted to receive them. There were visits to living poets, too, especially W.H. Auden, whom he had adored when he was an undergraduate at Columbia, and whom he had been trying to meet for years. He loved to be in the company of famous people, especially famous writers and musicians, and for years he would seek out celebrities, from Ezra Pound to Bob Dylan and the Beatles, though celebrities also sought him out. Now, with the fame that Howl had furnished, and with all the notoriety that the media provided, he could knock on doors and find himself ushered into tea or served a glass or two of wine.What he wanted was adulation and acceptance. (Pollin, Burton R. 535) When he died, Columbia College Today, the alumni magazine, published a cover story about him by the poet and critic David Lehman. Eventually Trilling changed his mind about Ginsberg's work and included two of his poems, â€Å"A Supermarket in California† and â€Å"To Aunt Rose,† in his comprehensive anthology The Experience of Literature, which was publis hed in 1967 and used widely as a textbook. Ever since Ginsberg wrote Howl in the mid-1950s, he had wanted to be included in the canon, and now he was.Of course, he was delighted that it was none other than Trilling who made a place for him. The inclusion and validation was exhilarating to Ginsberg. (Harris, Oliver 171) Bibliography †¢ Harris, Oliver. Article Title: Cold War Correspondents: Ginsberg, Kerouac, Cassady, and the Political Economy of Beat Letters. Journal Title: Twentieth Century Literature. Volume: 46. Issue: 2. Publication Year: 2000. Page Number: 171. †¢ Morgan, Bill. The Works of Allen Ginsberg, 1941-1994. Publisher: Greenwood Press. Place of Publication: Westport, CT. Publication Year: 1995. †¢ Morgan, Bill.The Response to Allen Ginsberg, 1926-1994: A Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Publisher: Greenwood Press. Place of Publication: Westport, CT. Publication Year: 1996. †¢ Pollin, Burton R. Article Title: Edgar Allan Poe as a Major Influence up on Allen Ginsberg. Journal Title: The Mississippi Quarterly. Volume: 52. Issue: 4. Publication Year: 1999. Page Number: 535. †¢ Rothschild, Matthew. Article Title: Allen Ginsberg: ‘I'm banned from the Main Marketplace of Ideas in My Own Country. Magazine Title: The Progressive. Volume: 58. Issue: 8. Publication Date: August 1994. Page Number: 34+.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Few Rounds About Bullet Lists

A Few Rounds About Bullet Lists A Few Rounds About Bullet Lists A Few Rounds About Bullet Lists By Mark Nichol Before reading this post you might wanna check one we published a while ago titled 7 Rules For Formatting Lists. Heres a quotation from it: The items in unnumbered lists are often preceded by dots or other symbols known collectively as bullets, though such markers are technically not necessary, especially in a recipe or a materials list. (In those cases, it’s implicit that the ingredients or components are added or constructed in the order listed - it’s actually a numbered list that needs no numbers.) A bullet list lets you display a set of terms, phrases, or statements clearly. prevent reader fatigue or confusion in the form of a long run-in list in a sentence. avoid repetition by following an introductory phrase with â€Å"fill-in-the-blank† list items. Keep these guidelines for constructing bullet lists in mind: If each of the items in a bullet list completes a sentence begun with an introductory phrase, the first letter of the first word of each item should be lowercase, and the last word should be followed by terminal punctuation (a period, question mark, or exclamation point), as in the preceding bullet list. The format in the previous list, however, is not recommended for items consisting of less than a few words, unless listing multiple items as a run-in list in a sentence would produce a ponderously long sentence. If all list items are complete sentences, they should follow an introductory statement ending with a colon, as in this bullet list. If all list items are incomplete sentences, they can follow an open introductory phrase or one ending with a colon; in the latter case, the first letter of the first word in each item should be uppercase. The first letter of the first word of each complete sentence should be uppercase, and complete sentences should include terminal punctuation. All items in a list should have the same format a word a phrase, or a complete sentence and should follow the same grammatical structure. If every item in a list begins with the same word or phrase, try to incorporate the word or phrase into the introductory phrase or statement, then delete it from the list items. Avoid creating a bullet list in which one or more items consist of very long sentence or more than one sentence; if this is the case, it’s better to use traditional sentence form. A bullet list with a closed introductory phrase and whose items are single words should be formatted as follows: apples bananas cherries Likewise, a bullet list with a closed introductory phrase and whose items are short phrases should be formatted as follows: personal identification number automated teller machine liquid-crystal display The following elements are superfluous in a bullet list with an introductory phrase ending in a colon: A comma after each item A semicolon after each item The word and or or following a comma or semicolon in the penultimate item A period following the last item A bullet list preceded by an open-ended introductory phrase may but need not include a semicolon (not a comma) after each item; the word and or or following the semicolon in the penultimate item (optional); and a period following the last item. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Using "a" and "an" Before Words20 Words Meaning "Being or Existing in the Past"Running Errands and Doing Chores

Monday, October 21, 2019

13 Reasons To Date a Chemist

13 Reasons To Date a Chemist If you havent dated a chemist, youre missing out! Chemists can be incredibly romantic and great at lasting relationships. Here are some reasons to date a chemist. Chemists have some of the very best pick-up lines.  Are you made of copper and tellurium? You must be, because youre CuTe. Nerdy, yes, but a good icebreaker. Chemistry experiments require attention to detail. Your date will be on time, will pay attention to you, and will remember your likes and dislikes.Science requires effort, practice, and patience. You can expect a chemist to work at a relationship and not call it quits when problems arise.Chemists are interesting! They are curious and always learning. Dating a chemist means youll never be bored.Lab coats and safety goggles. So hot.Chemists remember to use protection.Chemists pay attention to personal hygiene.Chemists are almost always fantastic cooks. They also often brew amazing beer, make wine, or possibly distill their own spirits. Very few make drugs, though they know how.Chemists are smart. They can carry on meaningful conversations and fix things.Chemists know how to pull all-nighters.Chemists know all kinds of party tric ks and cool ways to celebrate holidays. Because their sense of wonder never fades, they often do well with kids. Your family and friends will probably like your chemist date. Like engineers and other scientists, a chemist asks you out because he or she genuinely likes you and finds you interesting. Chemists tend not to be shallow.Chemists are adventurous, up to a point. They are natural explorers, yet take risk into account. They can plan interesting and fun dates, but arent likely to endanger you. Similarly, chemists know all the toxic chemicals in every food, drink, and household product, yet wont go overboard avoiding minor vices.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Where to Find the Best DBQ Examples

Where to Find the Best DBQ Examples SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips One of the best ways to prepare for the DBQ (the "document-based question" on the AP European History, AP US History, and AP World History exams) is to look over sample questions and example essays.Doing this will help you to get a sense of what makes a good (and what makes a bad) DBQ response. That said, not all DBQ essay examples are created equal. I’ll briefly cover what makes a good DBQ example and then provide a list of example essays by course. Lastly, I’ll give you some helpful tips on how to best use sample essays in your own preparation process. What's a Good DBQ Example? Without a doubt, the best sample resources come from the College Board.This is because they are the ones who design and administer the AP exams. This means the following: Any DBQ essay example that the College Board provides will include a real DBQ prompt All samples are real student responses from previous years, so you know they were written under the same conditions you'll have when you write your DBQ- in other words, they're authentic! They not only have scores but also explanations of each essay's score,in accordance with the rubric Each prompt includes several sample essays with a variety of scores Some DBQ examples outside those available from the College Board might be worth looking at, particularly if they highlight how a particular essay could be improved. In general, though, a superior example will do the following: Include the prompt and documents:It will be much easier for you to see how the information from the documents is integrated into the essay if you can actually look at the documents themselves! Have a score:Seems simple, but you'd be surprised how many DBQ examples out there in the uncharted internet don't have one. Without a real, official score, it's hard to gauge how trustworthy a sample actually is. With that in mind, I have compiled lists, organized by exam, of high-quality example DBQs below. Don't spend all your study time sharpening your pencil. Every DBQ Example Essay You Could Ever Need, by Exam Here are your example essays! We'll start with AP US History, then move to AP European History, and finally wrap up with AP World History. AP US History: Official College Board Examples Because of the test redesign in 2015, there are right now only four official College Board sets of sample essays that use the current rubric: 2018 Free-Response Questions| Sample DBQ Responses 2018 2017 Free-Response Questions| Sample DBQ Responses 2017 2016 Free-Response Questions| Sample DBQ Responses 2016 2015 Free-Response Questions| Sample DBQ Responses 2015 If you want additional sample question sets, you canlook at older College Board US History DBQ example response sets.To look at these, click "Free-Response Questions" for a given year. For the corresponding DBQ examples and scoring guidelines, click "Sample Responses Q1." Note that these examples use the old rubric (which is integrated into the Scoring Guidelines for a given free-response section). General comments on the quality of the essay, outside information, and document analysis still apply, but the score is on a 9-point scale instead of the current 7-point scale, and some of the particulars will be different. Older DBQs had up to 12 documents, while the current format has six to seven documents. If you do look at older DBQ examples, I recommend using the current rubric (as of 2017)to re-grade the essays in the sample according to the 7-point scale. I'll also give more advice on how to use all these samples in your prep later on. Mr. Bald Eagle is an AP US History DBQ grader in his spare time. AP European History: Official College Board Examples Unfortunately, there aren't as many sample resources for the AP Euro DBQ compared to the other AP history tests because 2016 was the first year the AP Euro test was administered in the new format. This means there are only three sets of official samples graded with the current 7-point rubric: 2018 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2018 2017 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2017 2016 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2016 The rest of the existing available samples were graded in the old 9-point format instead of the 7-point format implemented in 2016. In the old format there were6 "core" points and 3 additional points possible. The old rubric is integrated with the sample responses for each question, but I'll highlight some key differences between the old and current formats: With the old format, you were given a brief "historical background" section before the documents There were more documents- up to 12- but the current format has six to seven There was an emphasis on "grouping" the documents that is not present in the current rubric There was also explicit emphasis on correctly interpreting the documents that is not found in the current rubric While the essential components of the DBQ are still the same between the two test formats,you should definitely refer to the current rubricif you decide to look at any old AP European History samples. You might find ituseful to look at old essays and score them in accordance with the current rubric. Here are the old sample DBQ questions and essays, organized by year: 2015 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2015 2014 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2014 2013 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2013 2012 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2012 2011 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2011 You can get samples in the old format all the way back to 2000 from the College Board. (Click "Free -Response Questions" for the questions and "Sample Response Q1" for the samples.) Consider how you might integrate this castle into the DBQ that is your life. AP World History: Official College Board Examples The World History AP exam transitioned to a new format to more resemble AP US History and AP European History for the 2017 test. This means that there are only two past exams available that use the current DBQ format: 2018 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2018 2017 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2017 In the old format there were7 "core" points and 2 additional points possible. The old rubric is integrated with the sample responses for each question, but I’ll highlight some key differences between the old and current formats: There were more documents- up to 10- but the current format has six to seven There was an emphasis on "grouping" the documents on the old rubric that is not present in the current rubric There was also explicit emphasis on correctly interpreting the documents that is not found in the current rubric In the old rubric, you needed to identify one additional document that would aid in your analysis; the new rubric does not have this requirement The essential components of the DBQ are still the same between the two formats, although you should definitely look at the current rubricif you study with any old AP World History questions and samples.You might find ituseful to look at the old essays and score them according to the current rubric. Here are old AP World History questions and DBQ sample responses, organized by year: 2016 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2016 2015 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2015 2014 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2014 2013 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2013 2012 Free-Response Questions|Sample DBQ Responses 2012 Don't worry, the old format isn't as old as this guy right here. How Should I Use DBQ Examples to Prepare? Now that you have all these examples, what should you do with them?In this section, I'll give you some tips on how to use example DBQs in your own prep, including when to start using them and how many you should plan to review. What Should I Do With These DBQs? Officialsample essay sets are a great way to testhow well you understand the rubric. This is why I recommendthat you grade a sample setearly on in your study process- maybe even before you've written a practice DBQ. Then, when you compare the scores you gave to the official scores and scoring notes given to the samples, you'll have a better idea of what parts of the rubric you don't really understand.If there are points you are consistently awarding differently than the graders, you’ll know those are skills you'll need to work on. Keep giving points for the thesis and then finding out the sample didn't get those points? This tells you to work more on your thesis skills. Not giving points for historical context and then finding out the AP grader gave full credit? You need to work on recognizing what constitutes historical context according to the AP. Check out mytips on building specific rubric-based skills in my guide on how to write a DBQ. Once you've worked on some of those rubric skills you're weaker in, such as evaluating a good thesis or identifying document groups, grade another sample set.This way, you can see how your ability to grade the essays like an AP grader improves over time! Obviously, grading sample exams is a much more difficult processif you're looking at examples in an old format (e.g., AP European History or AP World History samples). The old scores as awarded by the College Board will be helpful in establishing a ballpark- obviously a 9is still going to be a good essay using the current 7-point scale- but there may be some modest differences in grades between the two scales. (Maybe that perfect 9is now a 6out of 7due to rubric changes.) For practice grading with old samples, you might want to pull out two copies of the current rubric, recruit a trusted study buddy or academic advisor (or even two study buddies!), and have each of you re-grade the samples. You can then discuss any major differences in the grades each of you awarded. Having multiple sets of eyes will help you see if the scores you're giving are reasonable, since you won’t have an official 7-point College Board score for comparison. How Many Example DBQs Should I Be Using? The answer to this question depends on your study plans. If it's six months before the exam and you plan on transforming yourself into a hard diamond of DBQ excellence, you might do practice grading on a sample set every few weeks to a month to check your progress to being able to think like an AP grader. In this case, you would probably use six to nine official sample sets. If, on the other hand, the exam is in a month and you are just trying to get in some skill-polishing, you might do a sample set every week to 10 days. It makes sense to check your skills more often when you have less time to study because you want to be sure that you are focusing your time on the skills that need the most work. For a short time frame, expect to use somewhere in the range of three to four range official sample sets. Either way, you should be integrating your sample essay grading with skills practice and doing some practice DBQ writing of your own. Toward the end of your study time, you could even integrate DBQ writing practice with sample grading. Read and complete a timed prompt and then grade the sample set for that prompt, including yours! The other essays will help give you a sense of what score your essay might have received that year and any areas you might have overlooked. There's no one-size-fits-all approach to using sample sets, but in general they are a useful tool formaking sure you have a good idea what the DBQ graders will be looking for when you write your own DBQ. Hey, where can we find a good DBQ around here? Closing Thoughts: Example DBQs for AP History Tests Example DBQ essays are a valuable resource in your arsenal of study strategies for the AP history exams. Grading samples carefullywill help you get a sense of your own blind spots so you'll know what skills to focus on in your prep. That said, sample essays will be most useful when integrated with your own targeted skills prep. Grading 100 sample essays won't help you if you aren't practicing your skills; rather, you'll just keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Make sure you aren't using sample essays toavoid writing practice DBQs either- you'll want to do at least a couple, even if you only have a month to practice. And there you have it, folks. With this list of DBQ examples and tips on how to use them, you are all prepared to integrate samples into your study strategy! What's Next? Still not sure what a DBQ is? Check out my explanation of the DBQto learn the basics. Want tips on how to really dig in and study for AP history tests?We've got a complete how-to guide on preparing and writing the DBQ. If you're still studying for AP World History, check out ourtop AP World History study guide,or get more practice tests from our complete list. Want more study material for AP US History? Look into this article on the best notes to use for studying from one of our experts. Also, read our review of the best AP US History textbooks! Want to improve your SAT score by 160points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Marketing plan for any hospitality product Essay

Marketing plan for any hospitality product - Essay Example This kind of business proves to be promising due to several reasons, first of which is that we have no direct competitors found within the city. As such, The ZEN Home Salon and Spa is the only business of its kind that would cater to the demands of local residents. In addition to this, with Bellevue’s current profile as a major regional economic and employment center (Demographic and Economic Trends, 2009), we will surely be able to identify a captured market among those employed on a full time basis and do not have the luxury of time to go out during their free days to pamper themselves with a much needed massage or with salon services. The ZEN will surely provide these customers with an opportunity to relax in their homes while enjoying our service. Our home-service strategy would further allow them to save on travel time. The ZEN targets to expand its menu of services in the next six months, depending on the perceived needs of the captured market. We are also looking at selling beauty and treatment products within six months of operation. And with our target to offer unparalleled products and services to our client base, we will make it difficult for a competitor to match our service level standards. Moreover, our pricing would be competitive as compared to other Days Spas in Bellevue and in neighboring cities. The strength of The Zen lies on its being the only home-service business of its kind in Bellevue. The next competition that offers exactly the same service is located at Seattle. With this, we are confident that we could easily penetrate the local market and have good competition with other establishments. Following these conditions, The ZEN is optimistic that we will be able to create a need among the target market within three months after our launch. Further, we aim to create a solid and returning client base of 60 households within Bellevue, and another 60 from neighboring cities in six

Friday, October 18, 2019

Philosophy 101 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Philosophy 101 - Essay Example Based on this argument, existentialism holds that there is no general essence among individual selves. It asserts that one’s identity and purpose is fashioned by the individual subject alone. In this light, philosophy enables the individual subject to reflect on one’s purpose in life, which in turn defines one’s authenticity. An authentic lifestyle entails the affirmation of individual responsibility. It contends that humans must become highly reflective of the possible outcomes of their desired course of action. Such an act of cognition shall facilitate both prudent and moral conduct that contributes to the emancipation of the individual self. This shows how philosophy encourages us to become resolute in our own beliefs and convictions regardless of what traditional society or religion dictates. By this, we shall find value in life, in our pursuit of knowledge and meaning in the world, for such can lead to the acquisition of a deeper and holistic understanding o f life. Herein is the value of philosophy. For through it, we are able to exercise human freedom, and take hold of our own lives, based on our own choices and actions. It enables us reflect on the meaning of the most important and simple things in life, and most importantly, exalt individualism. Works Cited Kelly, Eugene. The Basics of Western Philosophy. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2004. Print. Sartre, Jean Paul.

Role of Followers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Role of Followers - Essay Example I think this analogy clearly explains my vision of the role of followers in the organization. Leaders with committed followers are more successful that those who are not supported by others. I am a student and I can observe the role of the followers when we work in groups. Team leaders become main decision-makers. However, if their decisions are not supported by the team, they cannot make people work together. Instead of working they waste their time trying to persuade the leader to change his or her mind. In fact, good support of the followers boosts work effectiveness. Successful empowerment depends on many factors. First of all, it is presented by leaders ability to listen to their followers and take their opinions seriously. Ignorant leaders are not respected by their followers; accordingly, they cannot empower them. Second, leaders should give people enough freedom to act. If people feel that they they are also decision-makers, they are more committed to their work. Finally, leaders and followers should have shared vision of the situation in order to think in one direction. It is very important because their actions should be aligned for the sake of success. The article by Kotelnikov (n.d.) presents the most essential function of effective leadership. In my opinion, developing shared vision is the most crucial one. I believe that people can work together successfully only when they have the same vision of the situation. Leaders who lie to their followers or do not share their plans with them fail to make their followers see the same picture. I have observed several examples of good and bad leadership at school when we were divided in the groups of four to work on our projects. Those groups where team leaders were not sharing information with their followers and tried to do as much work as possible themselves without engaging their teams were a failure. At the same time, the teams where all participants understood their goal and had their tasks to be

Reading Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Reading Summary - Essay Example Consequently, culture has emerged as important issue in international business and contemporary business dynamics as the workforce increasingly comprise of people coming from diverse background of culture, race and nationality. Thus, understanding of cross-cultural values becomes hugely critical elements of contemporary businesses. The article ‘Making it Overseas’ shows why the expatriate managers tend to fail in their overseas. The authors believe that lack of cultural understanding adversely impacts expatriate managers’ performance as they tend to apply traditional way of working which may not conform to the value system of the host nations. They need to be prepared to adapt and incorporate cultural values of other nations when working overseas for gaining the trust of the people and translating the needs of local populace into strong business goals. The authors emphasize that expatriate managers need to be better aware of intellectual capital and build it through understanding of cross-cultural understanding. Moreover, they must make efforts to build socio-psychological capital by being flexible in their approach and thinking so that they can connect emotionally with their partners and colleagues from diverse

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Caribbean Societies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Caribbean Societies - Essay Example In the history of the development of the society, several social changes have already transformed the development of the social structure and their development course. In the past, some examples of social changes in the past are the use of contraception particularly birth control pills as related to the population and marital realm in the society, the electoral system development incorporating women as the result of the female suffragist's action for equality, and the acceptance of the concept of homosexuality in the social structure. These social changes have caused the development of the present social community to their contemporary state in the modern period. In the present, several social change issues are still influence the social behavior of the population namely the information technology structure which it now integrating their influence in the respective lives of the people. This in turn, has caused their presence to become a significant factor in the present state of mode rnity of the present social culture transforming the present society to become dependent upon the technology for their daily needs and activities. Modernization is mainl... Often this concept is viewed as the product of the evolutionary pattern of the society in their development towards achieving a better approach towards their needs. Progress is the main determinant of the nature of this concept as observable in the life conditions of the people. Indeed, modernization can be observed in most critical social aspects and structure relevant to the daily activities of the population. The present state of modernization is primarily product the different stages of development that occurred in the previous periods. Each development stage produces a new standard of progress in the society wherein this respective level manifests as a better approach than the previous one in terms of the betterment of the condition of the population. (Schmidt, 2008, 54) Examples of the dominant modernization changes in the society are the development in the communication field in terms of contracting the regional gaps of the population, the progress in media developing the mean of transference of news and information, and the progress in the computing field as influenced by the rapid industrialization of the technology industry. On actual social structure, the concept of modernization is also dominant affecting the normative processes and approaches in each significant social system. An example of this is the modernity in the processes in the criminal justice field wherein their critic al investigation has been further developed with the advancement of their facilities and technological development. Indeed, modernization brings forth the general influence of development as part of the continuous pursuit of the population towards progress.(Yelvington, 2006, 56) In

Public Health in my backyard Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Public Health in my backyard - Research Paper Example There is also a clean and organized produce and wet market located at the center of town. People can easily reach the grocery stores to buy the food they need. Some of the merchandise vary in cost. Some are cheap while others are relatively expensive. Regarding medical services, my community has several reachable clinics and health centers to provide medical attention to people. Unfortunately, most of these facilities are private institutions and do not accept Medicaid or Medicare. Health insurance is also not mandatory and most people choose not to have any because of the cost. For mental health and substance abuse, the people in the community need to travel several miles to reach attention. There are enough industries that provide jobs to the people in my community. Together with this benefit, however, is the problem of pollution in the water and air. The effect of the water pollution has been in the community for decades. Thus, the solution that has been recently implemented cannot yield results right away. It will take many more years before the waters in the community will be clear

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Caribbean Societies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Caribbean Societies - Essay Example In the history of the development of the society, several social changes have already transformed the development of the social structure and their development course. In the past, some examples of social changes in the past are the use of contraception particularly birth control pills as related to the population and marital realm in the society, the electoral system development incorporating women as the result of the female suffragist's action for equality, and the acceptance of the concept of homosexuality in the social structure. These social changes have caused the development of the present social community to their contemporary state in the modern period. In the present, several social change issues are still influence the social behavior of the population namely the information technology structure which it now integrating their influence in the respective lives of the people. This in turn, has caused their presence to become a significant factor in the present state of mode rnity of the present social culture transforming the present society to become dependent upon the technology for their daily needs and activities. Modernization is mainl... Often this concept is viewed as the product of the evolutionary pattern of the society in their development towards achieving a better approach towards their needs. Progress is the main determinant of the nature of this concept as observable in the life conditions of the people. Indeed, modernization can be observed in most critical social aspects and structure relevant to the daily activities of the population. The present state of modernization is primarily product the different stages of development that occurred in the previous periods. Each development stage produces a new standard of progress in the society wherein this respective level manifests as a better approach than the previous one in terms of the betterment of the condition of the population. (Schmidt, 2008, 54) Examples of the dominant modernization changes in the society are the development in the communication field in terms of contracting the regional gaps of the population, the progress in media developing the mean of transference of news and information, and the progress in the computing field as influenced by the rapid industrialization of the technology industry. On actual social structure, the concept of modernization is also dominant affecting the normative processes and approaches in each significant social system. An example of this is the modernity in the processes in the criminal justice field wherein their critic al investigation has been further developed with the advancement of their facilities and technological development. Indeed, modernization brings forth the general influence of development as part of the continuous pursuit of the population towards progress.(Yelvington, 2006, 56) In

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

PERFORMANCE ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

PERFORMANCE ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Intel Company is a technological company that deals mainly with electronic appliances supplying to customers in different countries. Economically, the company contributes towards the country’s revenue through the sale of its products and also through the provision of the energy-saving and cost-saving products. This helps in improving the economy and also to improve the standards of living for the citizens. Socially, Intel Company is involved in various activities that are aimed at rewarding the customers and the community at large. Sustainability performance reporting refers to the evaluation of a company’s performance based on the economic, social and environmental factors that affect the business on its day to day operations. A report on sustainability of a company also provides the core values that govern its operations and also its corporate social responsibility. Sustainability performance reporting is a very crucial aspect in any organization due to the fact that it assists in change management with an aim of achieving a sustainable economy one that encompasses the profitability aspect with the ethical, social and environmental aspects. Financial performance reporting on the other hand, refers to the determination of various financial aspects: assets, liabilities and the equity capital. These factors are vital in financial reporting. When reporting the financial performance of a company various financial statements are considered, an income statement reports on the gains or losses made in a given year. A balance sheet also known as the statement of financial position shows the company’s assets and debts and it also shows the ability of the company to use its assets in settling its liabilities. Another financial statement is the statement of cash flows which report the company’s cash inflows and outflows. Sustainability and financial performance reporting are both useful in analyzing how

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Role Of Flexibility In The Work Place Management Essay

The Role Of Flexibility In The Work Place Management Essay Flexibility is a way to help people define how and when work is done, flexibility helps employers and employees work effectively to enable the organisation achieve its objectives. (Simonetta Manfredi, Director, Centre for Diversity Policy Research, Oxford Brookes University.) Flexibility is all about creating a situation where both the employer and employee benefit from the schedule of work, creating a balance between individual needs and delivering of service. (Helen Gibbs, Senior Personnel Adviser, London Borough of Sutton) Flexible working relates to working time, pattern of work and location of work (ACAS PAGE 6). Many employers in united kingdom have introduced a range of flexible working options for their employees. In (2004) the workplace employement relations survey (WERS) discovered that a good number of employees ( over 70 percent) gave some kind of flexible working option to employees and these has increased from the results of the survey carried out by workplace employme nt relations survey in 1998 ( Kersley et al, 2005). These increase in flexible working option by employers was propelled as a result of growing need for work life balance ( Bailyn et al, 2001). In the United Kingdom, legistlative support for parents who have young children that are disabled these would enable them to adapt a more flexible working practise because they offer employees the opportunity to choose where and where they want to work Vlasios Sarantinos (2007). For flexible working practise to work effectively there must be a transparent and accessible process that will be used to manage flexible request made by employees, this enables employees feel that the organisation is treating them fairly and their request for a different type of working arrangement is being looked into. In these essay i am going to be critically reviewing the role that flexibility can play in the work place. Building the culture Theres a clear set of shared values, including the service user comes first, and people mean business. Service users come to the office regularly so that backroom employees can meet them and have a sense of what the service is about. These values underpin the companys approach to flexible working. Employees feel they belong to something and are pushed to achieve their full potential. Management is hands on: managers will not hand work out to their staff unless they are able to do the work themselves. All managers have to do a care shift once a month so they dont lose touch with the needs of service users and employees. Internal communication is reinforced by open days, where the chief executive meets staff informally. Thirty per cent of managers diary time is non-prescribed, so as to leave time for informal contact with their staff. Peoples opinions are listened to. The number of managers has been halved from 24 to 12 and the company aims to recruit its managers from within. Finance Manager Steve Tuck believes that employees are motivated by seeing the improvement in the quality of life of service users. Its not unknown for people to take clients home for a meal. Put in ur own words. There are various forms of flexibility which organisations used to engage employees in an organisation Functional flexibility: These type of flexibility allows employees to make use of their competencies and skills to enable them move freely across the different channels of production. This type of flexibility is likely to be desired when the employee no longer has stable relationship with the organisation and it relies on training across the channels of production. Numerical flexibility: These flexibility depends on the ability of the organisation to increase or decrease its labour number as it chooses by hiring some temporary workers and employing people who will be given fixed contracts. Temporal flexibility: This type of flexibility involves adjustement of working hours to meet demands of production, part time working could be engaged in to handle intense peaks when needed. Financial flexibility: In financial flexibility labour cost is reduced with efforts put in by the organisation to secure profit making. Vlasios Sarantinos (2007) Below are examples of flexible working practise which employees make use of in an organisation: Part-time working: Its a form of work where employees are under a contract to work for less than the full time hours Term-time working: . in this working arrangement a staff remains on his or her permanent contract but can take paid/unpaid leave during school holidays. Job-sharing: This is a type of working arrangement where a job task is shared between two or more employees. Flexitime: in this working arrangements staffs are allowed to choose within a given time frame when they want to begin and end their work. Compressed hours: Compressed hours involve re allocating or reducing the set working hours into fewer and longer blocks during the week. Annual hours: The set time within which full-time staffs must work is defined over a whole year. Working from home on a regular basis: in this working arrangement the employees have a choice to work from home and report outcomes to their supervisor. Mobile working/teleworking: This allows staffs to work all or part of their working week at a location remote from the employers workplace. Career breaks: This are period in which the employee is allowed to go on break, it may be a career break or sabbatical. Chattered institute of personnel and development (2005) Flexibility is seen to be important in workplace to both employers and employees because it gives them an opportunity to organise the way they work in a way that will be comfortable with their personal lives. For employers flexible working can help retain staff who have the required and skill required by the employer, it also widens the talent pool in the job market enabling them to recruits potential workers with more skill and still retain the staffs that are loyal and committed which can lead to an increase in productivity and profitability(Confederation of British Industry 2009). Employers have realised that in order to provide quality services when needed by customers a flexible working system that involves the two parties is needed which makes the workforce flexible enough to adapt to changing business conditions. Recession has had an effect on organisation layout and operations causing a lot of people to loose their job and holding unto whatever they can lay their hands on. Th e effect recession has on flexible working can be viewed as both negative and positive. Negative, because it has led to an increase in the number of people working part time that would love to take up a full time job and positive from the employers perspective because employers respond to more flexibility which indicates that that there is a tendency for organisations to embrace flexible working to have as a new way of working in the organisation. We need increased flexibility in the work place if the economy is to return back to stable and sustained growth, and in order to do this we need to develop all resources available especially man power to help increase productivity and give the economy a competitive advantage. Employers may find it expensive introducing flexible working because of the cost it might incur, the business premises may have to be open for a longer period of time thereby increasing cost of heating and lightning(Confederation of British Industry 2009) . Flexible w orking also plays an important role to employees because it enables them to balance their job at work alongside their responsibilities at home because in the society today both men and women want flexible jobs which involves minimal travel to enable them share the responsibilities of raising a family. Flexible working improves the moral of employees and gives some a feeling of worth, it also reduces absence and lateness to work(The Women and Work Commission 2006) Flexible working has been seen to affect business by playing an important role to make sure that shifts are fully covered and services are maintained flexible working is needed in organisations ( British chambers of commerce, 2007). A flexible human capital practise makes organisations more stable, skilled and enthusiastic free from distractions, flexible working practisces helps organisations to attract talents, with the difference in generation of workers with varying lifestyle and working conditions, companies have to re organise their recruitment efforts, benefits plan, productivity incentives, work processes and work schedules in order to recruit qualified hands. Technological advancement also require that we think of how we can connect with people more effectively, organise teams and measure employees work performance when they work from home. Focused and talented employees who are on flexible schedules are likely to give out their best and be more committed to the goals and ob jectives of the organisation and deliver great value to customers who when satisfied continue to patronize the organisation thereby improving sales and boosting the companys image. flexibility also helps reduce cost associated with health care, overhead, labor, turn over and legal fees. Cost involved with labor can be reduced and profitability can be increased by using a flexible human capital practise in which you boost the output of one employee and efficiency among groups across the organisation and reduce waste as a result of poor concentration, loss of work time and reduces labor cost for the same output thereby increasing profitability. Flexibility also reduces health care cost because staffs have sufficient resources to meet the demands when they have control of planning their time, these flexible working practise reduces stress and depression faced by most employees which directly reduces health cost of the company. BOOK IMPACT OF FLEXIBILITY ON ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE. To raise morale and job satisfaction: flexible working increases the morale of employers to perform at their utmost best because they feel they are treated as adults who have control of their life and their time and they tend to perform at their utmost best when they are at work. To improve productivity/Quality : the need for producing a good quality product must be of paramount importance because there are cost associated with poor quality which dents the image of the organisation and makes customers unsatisfied, flexible working arrangement ensures fresh and capable hands at the production line at all times. When an employer is worn out down and his her shift is over another employee takes and continues the process of production.It also inspires and increases commitment an loyalty from staffs( Alison and Lou, 2001) Opposing flexibility Traditionally, flexibility has been seen as a characteristic of poor quality jobs (see for example De Witte, 1999; Nolan et al, 2000; Purcell et al, 1999), where employers have sought to achieve organisational flexibility by means of using non-standard working practices, such as part-time work and temporary employment. Reduced absence and employee turnover: Flexible working enables employees to take care of their personal obligations leading to a decrease in frequent absenteeism because they have more options to which their time can be managed and it helps skilled workers remain in the organisation because staffs are more likely to stay in the organisation. (British chambers of commerce, 2007). Reduced training costs : by introducing flexible working organisations retain trained employees there by saving up expenses that would have been used in training new staffs if the trained staffs were to exit. Promoting customer satisfaction: Customer satisfaction can be improved where, customer service hours can be extended or shifted to periods when it is most required, and Workers with different skills can be attracted and retained because of the flexible work system in the organisation to help respond to diverse customer requirements. ( Success with flexible working practices, 1997). Book success with flexible work practise. Flexibility has been seen traditionally to characterise poor quality jobs De witte, 1999, Nolan et al, 2000; Purcell et al, 1999) because employers try to achieve flexible working environment in the organisation by using working practices that are not up to standard, It might have been predicted generally that access to flexible working arrangement would impact job satisfaction positively, it has also been discovered that a higher sense of responsibility and work completion affects job satisfaction positively ( Hyman and Summers, 2004; Igbaria and Guiraraes, 1999), However findings on the effect of remote working on job satisfaction varied, In some studies lack of social interaction has lead to a negative impact on job satisfaction due to feelings of isolation ( igbaria and Guimaraes, 1999), while some people tend to have a higher job satisfaction ( Baruch,2000). Igbaria meant that employees working in remote locations may perform low because they are not satisfied with their job and this may be due the fact that they have no one to interact with however Baruch said that some employees may actually enjoy working in remote locations and it tends to enchance their job performance. Flexible working offers employees choices to help them achieve a work life balance that is satisfactory. Stress which is one of the problems employees face has been linked to flexible working but flexible working does not seem to have an effect on reducing stress levels. Stress and anxiety may also be created by flexible working because an employee that works for a smaller amount of time or hours reduces but still has the same level of workload as someone working full time this tends to put pressure on the employee which might stress him or her out trying to cope with the work load (Dr Claire and Deirdre, 2008) It has been suggested by some researchers that people who spend more time working remotely tend to have lower job stress ( Raghuram and Wiesenfeld, 2004) however (Mann and Holdsworth, 2003) said that people working remotely show more signs of mental ill health than those working in organisational premises. Some evidence was found by Tietze and musson (2005) of some worker who work remotely experiencing stress, they tend to experience stress which was linked with the self organisation required of their work, because it created new demands on them. An analysis linked to stress pointed the fact that flexible working time or flex time affected absenteeism positively, while compressed working practise had no effect Baltes et al, (1999).Baltes was saying that when workers were allowed to work with flexitime that means choosing when to resume and close work within a set time frame that it enabled them to always show up for work because they could adjust their schedule to meet up with the ti me they choose and that compressed working did not affect absenteeism positively or negatively. Remote workers were worried about the lack of opportunities to develop themselves which the employer denied them having including mentoring from senior colleagues and informal learning Cooper and Kurland (2002). Cooper discovered that concerns began to grow among workers working remotely that their absence was not felt by the organisation and they were neglected with no further course or training to further develop their skills, and because of these flexible workers tend to have lower long term career potential Frank and Lowe (2003).Although Mc Closkey and igbaria (2003) brought a contrasting a view saying dat flexible working had no direct or indirect effect on career prospects of employees. Cohen and Single (2001) found that professional staffs who worked reduced working hours were less able to spend time developing their skill which is one of the business factors important for a succes full career(Dr Claire and Deirdre, 2008). Meaning that the less time professional workers spend in their workplace the less opportunity they get to learn new things. Business impact of flexible working The companys policies towards flexible working are reflected in its business outcomes. Since 1997, employment at the company has gone up from 60 to 280 staff and turnover has increased from  £1 million to  £9.5 million. Sickness absence has been reduced to 0.6 days a year, well below that for the care sector as a whole, which produces significant financial savings. The company also sees direct benefits in terms of staff recruitment and retention. Sandwell CCT came second in the Sunday Times 100 best companies to work for list in 2007, and first nationally in the work-life balance category. It also came first in the categories of managers who listen, managers motivating staff to give their best and training making a difference. It believes that this success has boosted the companys image as an employer. Employee turnover at Sandwell CCT is now 4%, compared with 20% or more across the care sector generally. Because staff enjoy their jobs, there is a high level of employee engagemen t and this is reflected in the quality of service and value for money. 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Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Other Road in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken Essay -- Road Not

The Other Road in Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In his celebrated poem "The Road Not Taken," Robert Frost describes the decision one makes when reaching a fork in the road. Some interpret Frost as suggesting regret on the part of the traveler as to not choosing the path he forgoes, for in doing so he has lost something significant. Others believe he is grateful for the selection, as it has made him the man he is. The diverging roads are symbolic of the choices society is faced with every day of life. Choosing one course will lead the traveler in one direction, while the other will likely move away, toward a completely different journey. How does one know which is the right path; is there a right path? The answer lies within each individual upon reflection of personal choices during the course of life's unfolding, as well as the attitude in which one looks to the future.    David Wyatt writes, "Nowhere in Frost is the tension between surprise and anticipation, wayward experience and the form into which it is cast or forecast, more acute than in 'The Road Not Taken'" (129). As the poem is read, one cannot help but be pulled into the questions of which road will be chosen, how they differ, and what will become of the traveler. Perhaps some hope to find guidance for their own journeys by seeking answers in Frost's work. According to Michael Meyer, "The speaker's reflections about his choice are as central to an understanding of the poem as the choice itself." (97) Frost himself admits, "it's a tricky poem, very tricky." (Pack 10)    In the opening stanza, Frost describes coming to a point during a walk along a rural road that diverges into two separate, yet similar paths. The narrator finds that he ... .... Online. World Wide Web. 20 Jul. 2000.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   . Frost, Robert. "The Road Not Taken." The Poetry of Robert Frost. Ed. Edward Connery, Lathem. New York: Hot, Rinehart and Winston, 1969. 105. Mertins, Louis. Robert Frost: Life and Talks - Walking. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1965. 135. Meyer, Michael, ed. The Bedford Introduction to Literature. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford-St. Martin's, 1999. 97. Pack, Robert. "Frost's Enigmatical Reserve: The Poet as Teacher and Preacher." Modern Critical Views: Robert Frost. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. 10. Thompson, Lawrance. Robert Frost: The Years of Triumph. Notes. Online. World Wide Web. 21 Jul 2000. . Wyatt, David M. "Choosing in Frost." Frost: Centennial Essays II. Ed. Jac Tharpe. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1976. 129-35.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Life and Times of Multivac :: Literary Analysis, Isaac Asimov

Humanity is threatened by the overwhelming growth of science and technology. People are expanding their knowledge through observation and experiment, oblivious to the consequences that result from improper motive. Isaac Asimov—author of The Life and Times of Multivac—uses the science of numbers, or mathematics, as a solution to the fear that arises in a world controlled by a human-like machine. What human beings are afraid of is losing the very word that separates them from everything else in the world—human, and they will do whatever they can to keep that title to themselves. What makes a human being different from a machine that possesses human characteristics? The idea that there really isn’t any difference here is a startling thought. Human beings retain the need to be different, especially from machines. People want to be distinguished as human and not like any other species, but Multivac is given a voice of its own, â€Å"†¦with a beauty that never quite vanished no matter how often it was heard,† (Asimov 160). Multivac is distinguished from human beings and can be defined as human because of its qualities. â€Å"It was becoming constantly more aware of is own worth and less likely to bear trivialities with patience,† (Asimov 162). Multivac was growing and becoming more intelligent; it was learning. When Bakst speaks about Multivac it sounds like he is talking about another person: â€Å"Yes, I will have to talk to Multivac,† and â€Å"Bakst had to depend on Multivac’s good will,† (Asimov 162). Bakst kn ows that he needs to treat Multivac like a friend; to get on its good side so he can later kill it. Bakst follows the rule of â€Å"keep friends close and your enemies even closer.† Multivac is made by the people, for the people. At first, he (see how I refer to the overpowering computer as being enough like an actual man to be referred to as he) is thought to be the savior of human beings, but then as Multivac becomes less dependent on humans he is seen as a vice on independence for the people left on earth. One of the remaining 15 people from a self-appointed Congress, Noreen, states â€Å"We live worthlessly now,† (Asimov 161). She feels like nothing matters anymore because anything she strives for is pointless. â€Å"Whatever we choose, as long as it’s unimportant†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Asimov 161). Noreen probably feels like Multivac is laughing in her face every time she tries to be independent.